Mandarin Martial Arts
Cuong Nhu World Headquarters Dojo
Uniform Requirements
Uniform Etiquette
Come to class in a clean, unwrinkled uniform with the Cuong Nhu and World Headquarters patches completely sewn in place and name embroidered as shown below. Take care of the uniform outside of class. Avoid eating or playing in it as this will increase the chances of stains or damaging the uniform. Hang the uniform up at home after class or after washing, or fold it neatly. (Ask an instructor to teach you how to fold the uniform properly.)
Setup Instructions
Wash uniform in warm water and dry in high heat once or twice (don’t wash the belt). The uniforms are 100% cotton and will shrink some. It’s important to shrink the uniform before having patches sewn onto it.
Take the uniform and patches to an alteration shop that can do embroidery. We recommend Lee’s Alterations at 9719 San Jose Blvd because they are familiar with our uniforms. Other available shops are Eva Embroidery and Alterations, Hometown Threads, or Stitch Art Embroidery.
a. The round Cuong Nhu patch goes over the left chest.
b. The rectangular World Headquarters dojo patch goes on the right sleeve between the elbow and shoulder.
c. The name is embroidered on the right chest across from the Cuong Nhu patch. Do not write the name on the uniform with pen/marker.
It’s best to have the student put the uniform on to place the patches, as the uniforms will fit each person a little differently. You can do this at the alteration shop and they will pin them in place.
You may choose to have the sleeves or pants hemmed, or they can be rolled up depending on how the uniform fits. Sleeves should not be hemmed above the elbow.
The Cuong Nhu rule is that students must have their patches and names on their uniform BEFORE TESTING.
Uniforms are commonly called a “gi” (pronounced gee). Cuong Nhu students below Black Belt always wear a white gi. Senseis may wear colored gi’s at the rank of Black Belt. At formal events, such as testing, all students and Senseis will wear a white gi. We have allowed students 12 years old and above to purchase black pants to wear in class only (full white uniform must be worn for testing and events).
Show good etiquette in the dojo by keeping your gi clean and in good condition. If your gi is torn, too small, or stained, consider purchasing a new one. Also consider having a second gi so you may wash them less frequently. Gi’s and patches are available for purchase at the dojo.